Breaking Cat News Wiki

"It's the little things that I miss most..." Tommy


Welcome to the Breaking Cat News Wiki!

This wiki is a collaborative encyclopedia for the hit comic strip, Breaking Cat News! Feel free to make any edits on current or past events! We welcome all users who help the community, even unregistered ones!

The BCN shelter report
Our IX Lives
Buy the book today!
Read about the creator!

The BCN shelter report

Our IX Lives

Buy the book today!

Read about the creator!

The BCN shelter report
Our IX Lives
Buy the book today!
Read about the creator!

Brekaing cat news news


Breaking Cat News is a comic strip where Lupin, Puck, and Elvis, and lots of others report on news that matters to cats and be hilarious as they go on adventures including exploring the laundry chute, Trying to get out of their carriers when The Man and The Woman decide to move, and meeting the new babies and other animals. WARNING: Don't read this if you don't want some spoilers!!





  • Stampycat12345
  • Fan26

Vandalism Policy

  • No adding unnecessary content
  • No bad language
  • No opinions
  • Respect other people's privacy
  • Do not insert gibberish onto any page
  • No unacceptable usernames
  • Do not be mean to other users

Disobeying any of these rules 3 times (or any combination totaling up to 3) will result in a ban. You will also get banned for breaking that last one even once. If you see anybody disobeying these rules, report them immediately.

Becoming an Administrator

  • You must have 5 gold badges, 7 silver badges, and 10 bronze badges.
  • You must not have any warnings.
  • You must have at least 500 edits.
  • You must either have the founder achievement, the Lead anchor or the addicted achievement.

Even after achieving all of these, there is no guarantee that you will become an admin. It depends on the quality of your reasoning.

Editor of the Month

You cannot vote for yourself, by the way.

Our Community

Here are some things you can do on the wiki:

  • Create some fan art and post it on the Fan Art page.
  • Add in new pages(preferably stuff The Founder missed.)
  • Tell us what you think! We're perfectly open to suggestions!

Old and New BCN

Okay, so, something that might come up in the wiki is Old and New BCN. New BCN officially starts when Georgia started rerunning strips for the convenience of newspaper readers. Old BCN is everything before that.


If you would like to send an affiliation request, click here.

(No image)Pearls Before Swine Wiki-represented by Fan26

(No image available due to invalid token)Fowl Language Wiki-represented by PositiveElixerTrade


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Brekaing cat news news